The Pit Martial Arts Defence and Fitness Centre
proudly offers seniors sessions and activities, with
their mantra being ‘age is a requirement, a youthful
outlook is essential and a positive approach to
health and wellbeing is a priority.
Of note are the seniors’ fitness and Tai Chi classes
which run weekly. Come along, meet new friends,
improve your fitness!
Please arrive 15 minutes before class start time.
Bookings essential.
Monday 4 April 10:30 - 11:30am
Tai Chi, Qi Gong & Meditation
Tuesday 5 April 9:00 - 10:00am
Flexcore - Gentle Flexibility class
Wednesday 6 April 10:30 - 11:30am
Group Fun Gentle Fitness, Balance, Strength Class
The Pit Martial Arts Defence and Fitness
Centre, Unit 10/156 Hartley Road,
Smeaton Grange
Email: pdsmartialarts@gmail.com or
visit www.thepitmartialarts.com.au/
Please use the 'try booking' system to book your class. If all tickets are sold out
please know that you can enjoy a $10 trial class at any time throughout the year.